Opinions about Nair..


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Feb 18, 2013

Taya C.

Yay or Nay?
Have you tried it? Does it work? Pros and Cons?

Feb 19, 2013

Alex K.

It does work for me but you have to be careful about how long you leave it on for, it tells you 3-5 minutes but sometimes I take it off too early and nothing will have happened and sometimes I take it off too late and my skin appears really red and bumpy for a few hours :)

Apr 9, 2013

Gab S.

I think I have tried that... https://www.google.com

May 10, 2013

Gumi S.

I used to use it a bunch when I was younger. I had to leave it on longer than the 5 minutes it said to leave it on, because otherwise it wouldn't remove my hair. Sometimes, it would irritate my skin, so I switched over to shaving. I'd try it out! Make sure to use in on a small part of your skin before you do the entire area, just in case you have an allergic reaction. Best of luck:)