Smooth away??? Help please!!


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Feb 6, 2013

Crystal M.

I have hairy arms but i don't wanna shave because it'll grow back thicker, is smooth away a good idea for me?? I hope someone can help me, i really don't know what to do...

Feb 6, 2013

Pamela F.

ive been shaving my arms since i was 14 (26 now) and it has never grown back in thicker.everyones different i guess,maybe im just lucky lol....well not lucky since im quite hairy.yuk lol

Feb 6, 2013

Amber K.

I've tried it, but it does burn your skin. It sort of singes it. And makes it a bit unpleasant to use. However, it does get all the hair off. Lol

you should try navi, but of you have allergies, like me, you shouldnt try it.
I use this brand of hair removal, but im too lazy to get it,
to far.............

you should try navi, though,
but dont try those hair removal laser treatment, it doesnt work about 80% of the time.

hope it helps, 

Feb 6, 2013

Jenny K.

No smooth away does not work AT ALL. My aunt bought it and she gave it to me bc it didn't work for her. It also didn't work for me. Some hairs did come off, but nothing like what the tv says/or advertises it to do. 

Feb 6, 2013

Jenny K.

Have you tried hair removal creams? I heard those work.
I also heard waxing works reaaally well with arms bc the hair that does grow back eventually gets really light, thin, and wimpy. I have not tried these techniques tho so I can't tell you from experience. 

Feb 6, 2013

Kimberly N.

It's a myth that hair grows back thicker when you shave it. Shaving facial or body hair gives the hair a blunt tip. The tip might feel coarse or "stubbly" until it grows out. It just seems thicker. 

Feb 7, 2013

Claire B.

i had this prob n tried bleach etc cause was afraid to shave for ur reasons didnt work i recently got finishing touch its a hair trimmer and is brilliant !! i got it in boots for 20euro u can use it anywer best product ive found

Feb 7, 2013

Cheyenne C.

Disliked it. Didn't help for anything, and took such a long time to get hair off.

Feb 7, 2013

Danielle P.

great concept.... crappy results. waxing is the best... expensive though. my friend swears by her epilator....time consuming but she loves it

Feb 7, 2013

Danielle P.

great concept.... crappy results. waxing is the best... expensive though. my friend swears by her epilator....time consuming but she loves it