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Jan 29, 2013

Nina S.

How kind of you :) Nice to meet you btw! Where are you from? 

Rachel S.

Jan 30, 2013

Rachel S.

Thanks!! What are your cat's names? When we got angus he was 23 pounds. The US in PA. Always wanted to visit London! Last year I did a project on it. Very interesting!! It was very nice to meet you, too(:

Jan 31, 2013

Nina S.

Unfortunately, those are not my cats! It's just a pic I found on the internet! And I love cats, so :) And well, I don't live in London either. I'm from Italy but I'm so fond of London, the whole England that I feel to be my own country :)

Rachel S.

Feb 1, 2013

Rachel S.

Still cute(:

Feb 8, 2013

Nina S.

So, what is it like to live in PA? Never been there, but would love to :)

Rachel S.

Feb 8, 2013

Rachel S.

Well right now it is raining and we are supposed to get snow later. I live in the southern part of PA and where I live it's boring and cold. But we have a Herr's potato chip factory which is pretty cool. And it's great if you like to hunt and fish.
So how have you been? What's it like where you live?(:

Feb 9, 2013

Nina S.

Oh well, I live in the southern part of my country too and it's not really that cool either. A good thing is, we have a beautiful seaside, the Amalfitan Coast - have you ever heard of it? And then, the weather is usually warmer here but, as of now, it's freezing cold! And, unfortunately, it is very unlikely to get snow. Funny, huh?
Anyway, are you in High School or University?

Rachel S.

Feb 9, 2013

Rachel S.

Yeah, I've heard of the Amalfitan Coast. Seen pictures, it beautiful!! Would love to go there!! I know whenever I hope for snow it never does. Well actually I'm in Middle School, 8th grade. hbu?

Feb 10, 2013

Nina S.

Ha, guess what? It's snowing here! Not a lot, but you can see the flakes coming down!
Anyway, I'm attending my second year at University to get a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures - English and Russian precisely. It's tough, it really is, but it's my dream to become an English teacher - not in my country, of course. We're still going through an economical crisis which is unlikely to disappear in a few years.
What are your ambitions instead? :)

Rachel S.

Feb 10, 2013

Rachel S.

Haha. It snowed yesterday here, but not even an inch.
Sounds cool!! My uncle lives in Russia. I don't really know what I want to do with my life yet. Well I think it would be cool to be 'known' I guess you could say. Depending on how dance goes, maybe be on broadway! Think that would be fun.
So what do you like to do in your spare time?(:

Feb 12, 2013

Nina S.

Wow, do you dance? What kind of dance? I was a classical ballerina back in the days and I loved it! But, eventually, I chose to make a different thing of my life. Well, whenever I have some free time I love spending it with my boyfriend - nearly fiancé - and sometimes with our friends. We've been together for 5 years and a half now and we're still deeply in love with each other! Otherwise, I like shopping on beauty and fashion - of course! - and playing videogames. I'm obsessed with PS3 and I like playing action or adventure games. What do you do instead? :) Love talking to you btw!

Rachel S.

Feb 12, 2013

Rachel S.

Well I haven't started dance yet, but my friend dances where I'm going to go and she was new to dance this year. I think I am going to do ballet, jazz and possibly another class..any recomendations on the other class? Sweet! I love video games! Well certain ones. Like the adventure ones, but in my free time, sad to say I don't have a lot, I'm stretching, doing schoolwork or watching TV. Same!! Love finding nice people to talk to!

Feb 20, 2013

Nina S.

Hey Rachel, sorry I didn't reply earlier! I've been terribly busy with University :( I have new classes now so I'm trying to keep up! Well, I think it's a great thing that you want to take up dancing, it's one of the most beautiful forms of art ever! What kind of schoolwork do you do exactly? It's nice to be back btw! :)

Rachel S.

Feb 20, 2013

Rachel S.

That's alright!(: that's cool what classes? And yeah I think it would be neat to try dance. Right now I'm taking algebra, piano, writing, energy, and social science...wish they had an awesome design class..they have drawing but I took it last year, might take it again. Don't know what I want to be yet... So how's your life been?(:

Feb 21, 2013

Nina S.

Woah, algebra? Really? You must be some kinda genius then! I'm so not good at algebra or maths in general. I wish I were though, it would've saved me a lot of bad marks back in High School. ;p Now I have new classes such as Contemporary History, Applied Linguistics and English Linguistics, which may sound like difficult ones to take up yeah, they actually are! You know, I noticed that the American school system is very different from the one we have here. I never really understood how it is organized so, would you explain it to me? I'm very curious. =)

Rachel S.

Feb 21, 2013

Rachel S.

Haha well Algebra is hard, but I was 'put in this class for a reason' so my teacher says...yeah those classes do sound difficult, but pretty fun.
I can try to explain school here, but I have only made it through elementary(kindergarten-6th grade) and am in middle school (7-8 grade) and I have highschool next year which is 9-12grade.
So in our school we have 4 quarters and 2 semester. In each semester is 2 quarters. At the end of every marking period (only in math) we take a test to see how you are doing. The school year starts around late August and ends in mid June. We also at the end of the year take assessments to see where you are placed next year...
If you have any other questions let me know. Feel like I don't really explain it well.
How's your school set up?

Feb 27, 2013

Nina S.

Hi Rachel, sorry again for not replying earlier! I had a rough week at Uni but somehow I managed to get by! Thank you for your school set up explanation, I understood perfectly! =)
Well, my school set up is a lil bit different. We have kindergarten, which lasts 3 years (children from 3 to 5 years of age), then we have elementary school, which lasts 5 years (kids from 6 to 10 years of age), then there is middle school for 3 years (kids from 11 to 13), then high school which lasts 5 years (youngsters from 14 to 18). And then there is University, which is optional. At the end of each school - except for kindergarten, of course - there are assessments to take, which are not that easy to be honest. The school year starts around mid September and ends around mid June. University is a teeny tiny bit different, as the year starts around the beginning of October and ends later in May. From January to February and from late May to July we have the so-called 'Exam Sessions', during which we can (well, we should) take exams to make it through the year.
And that's it. I hope I explained it clearly enough, sorry if it seems a lil confusing or boring!
How have you been btw? What have you been doing lately? :)

Rachel S.

Feb 28, 2013

Rachel S.

That's alright! And yeah you explained it PERFECTLY! I've been getting by in school. Been getting dance situated which is about the only plus of this week! Sitting in on a class next week and am going to the recital! How have you been? Nice getting back to you!(:

Mar 1, 2013

Nina S.

So, how's dance going? Do you like it? Me, I've been going back and forth from Uni to bookshops to get all the material ready. Classes are tough so they need complete focusing :(
I also want to take up tennis lessons but I'm waiting for the weather to be better so I'll be able to play outside.
So, what are you doing on this weekend? Any plans? It's so nice to get back to you too! It's so fun talking to you :) Have a nice day!

Rachel S.

Mar 1, 2013

Rachel S.

Hey! I believe I am starting it in September, but I am REALLY looking forward to starting it!! Going to take Teen Ballet. That stinks about the classes): I hate having to focus (that sounded kind if strange...) my parents would like me to take tennis lessons. First year in 5 or 6 not playing softball. This weekend I am going shopping, finishing a book (hopefully), studying the presidents and my brother is having a friend over..yay (to the friend thing) Same!! R you doing anything this weekend? Love the weekends!!

Mar 2, 2013

Nina S.

Yay, this weekend I'm going shopping as well! I hope I'll find some cool sweaters, as I am in desperate need! Softball? You kidding! That sounds crazy fun! We don't play it here as much, as it's not as common as football, for example. I wish though. How's it like? Teen Ballet is wonderful btw! Which book are you reading atm?

Rachel S.

Mar 3, 2013

Rachel S.

That's cool! I was looking for spring clothes, shorts, and a swim suit. Didn't get shorts or a swim suit. Softball was fun, when we were younger and it was less competitive, but now we have the CRAZY competive people. So it isn't fun anymore when you make one mistake and the coach screams at you because you HAVE TO win...yeah wasn't fun for me anymore. Seemed like three times a game and twice as many times at practice, I was being yelled at when other girls around me were doing the same thing, it was stupid. And after 6 years I finally realized this. Super excited for ballet!! To bad it's in September...Any tips? I just finished reading "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks. Now I am reading "The Gardian" by Nicholas Sparks. Are you reading anything good?(:

Nina S.

Location: Italy is my country. And London, my hometown.

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No one's ever the same after a taste of the dark side.

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