Beauty Product Reviews

My high school days go to

I used to really like this mascara but had resently percased it again in water proof and found it was really difficult to remove even with a remover spesifically for water proof eye products. builds great lashes though.


sweet smells for your shower time

this soap is great. i use it twice a day in my showers (morning and night) and it leaves my skin soft and smooth. plus if im going out and want the scent to last ages I double it with "godmother" and i smell amazing for ages. it is also good for keeping in a room to make it smell nice kinda like a air freshener haha


delisious tasting lip scrub that works in secondsss

i love this product. its easy to use, tastes great, is super inexpensive. and the plus side is it works super fast ! because its been winter my lips have been cracking really easily. so before i put on a lip stick i use this product and it makes my lips soft and smooth. it makes lip product application that much easier and makes it look pretty.

(not to mention my bf loves the after taste ;) )

9/10 :)