wavy hair!


First split your hair into layers. If your hair is cut so it IS already layered, follow the layers and split them that way. If you have normal hair then split it into 1-2 layers depending on the thickness of your hair. For me I did 3 layers when I only have 2, but I like to make my bang its own layer.

Second, warm up your 1-inch thick iron at a high heat (it goes faster personally) while your irons warming up, spray in some Aussie hair insurance. Not too much though. Just a thin mist is fine. After that, your iron should be warmed enough for you to use. Take medium amounts of strands and curl OUT. This is where a ton of people make mistakes. Everyone curls in, that's the main secret to my curls. Curl OUT. Keep going and curl out for the other side. Once that first layer is done, mist on some extra firm hairspray. I like to use the travel type of spray bottles. (Hey, safe for the earth and works better)

Then, you keep curling out for all your layers and misting them with product and in the end you have curls like mine! ^.^

Just remember!
• Curl OUT.
• Never just leave the tips of your hair un-curled. Curl it along with your strand of hair. (Split ends can be cut off. Don't worry.)
• Do NOT use leave in conditioner before using an iron of some sort on your hair. Make sure your hair is clean and DRY and free of all products besides heat protectant.
• Be careful! It's a 200°+ iron!!!
• Don't forget to unplug your iron when your done.

  • Added Mar 3, 2013

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