Knock Off Beauty Blenders?


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Dec 31, 2012

Vanessa C.

Whats the best knock off beauty blender? One that works and acts almost or completely identical?

Dec 31, 2012

Mabel Y.

Basic white makeup sponges that you find at a local drugstore is basically the same thing. If you want something closer to the size and shape of the beauty blender, Sephora sells one just like it.

Dec 31, 2012

Emma E.


Dec 31, 2012

Rachel J.

Target sells Sonja Kashuk's one which is similar.
However, I have not tested this myself. 

Dec 31, 2012

Kaylei K.

*I have not tested these myself, but I did read good reviews on all of them.

The Beauty Blender, in my opinion, is one of those products that is over priced. I never tried it because it is spendy and its basically a shaped sponge! If I were to get one I would order one of the following that are all from Amazon and have great reviews. These are sure to save you some money as well! (THE BOTTLE GOURD) (THE BUNDLE MONSTER) (350BUY)

I hope these help you a lot because I know I will probably buy one of these in the future!

Check out my blog:

Jan 1, 2013

Tanya A.

Avon has one for about 4-5 bucks. Worked well for me!

Allyson G.

Jan 28, 2013

Allyson G.;jsessionid=1DF9BD04863722E0414AB73922AF9615#ip/SOHO-Beauty-Sponge/20924342 SOHO beauty sponge.. At Walmart $4.97! Have both the original beauty blender for $20 and the soho one and cannot tell the difference!!! Love it