Beauty Product Reviews

The color of magic

Of all of the colors that I ordered, this was the only that I was one that I was unsure of. I am so glad that I took a chance; I think it is quite possibly my favorite. Glitter Junkie is described as pure reptile green glitter that flashes an iridescent array of golden yellow and pastel shades including lilac, pale pink, pale green, and pale blue sparkles. I found it to be more of a gorgeous blending of green, gold, silver and copper with flashes of iridescence. The combination truly is magical. This is the color that a sexy and mysterious faerie would wear. This color is worth every penny and no pictures I took could convey the beauty of this color. If you knew just how beautiful this color was, you really would want to buy it by the barrel.

Great value, especially with the promotion currently offered

The kit itself is cute, packaged in in the little takeout container, completely with a sparkly crystal on top.

I know that through Lit, you can get some larger bottles of adhesive with the glitter stack options, honestly I am not sure I'd rather a larger bottle. The biggest complaint people have with the adhesive (myself include) is the way it is dispensed. A dropper would be uber helpful. The best way to use this product is by dipping the brush into the bottle and then into the glitter. The flaw is that the bottle will eventually become contaminated. I think I have a much better chance of using up all of the product in the small bottle before it gets too contaminated that I would if I had a large bottle. It really takes very little product to do the job. And let me tell you, it definitely does the job! Makeup Forever also has an adhesive for glitter that also holds quite well, I prefer Lit's however as it is much easier on the skin with removal. The little glitter remover is cute and does the job. I won't use the tiny brush however. All in all it is a good little package.