Sally Girl

Mini Baked Eye Shadow

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Rebecca M.

These are so cute and pigmented! For just a dollar this is a great deal! You can even wet your brush if you desire a darker looking color. I would recommend this to anyone :)

Chrissy S.

I love the opaqueness of all the colors, and they are only 99 cents each! I just wish they would increase in size a little bit, but they are perfect to take with you in your purse for a quick touch-up or when traveling! They surprisingly last a while even when you use them every day (I use the white as a highlight the most often)

A Day-Dream Girl G.
Vibrant colors in a affordable Mini

I Love these little mini eyeshadows! If I'm doing makeup I don't have to take a whole pallet . I just grab a couple to use and blend. They come in a glittery color and also plain. I'm not sure if the come in a metallic kind of color. The minis that i bought were only $ 0.99 - 0.50 . Cheap makeup that also works well is a plus for me. It's good for a person learning their way around makeup and the different textures. This mini take a little effort to get on the brush , but not too much. I do recommend these for anyone that loves makeup but has a budget.

Felicia S.
Pretty and Cheap (pretty cheap)

I love these little eyeshadows! They go on very nicely, blend well, and last pretty well. Preferably with a primer. They can be worn wet or dry. I have one both in purple and white, and they were only $0.99 each!!! :D I love cheap makeup that WORKS. They have lasted me pretty well, a baked eyeshadow gives you more product than a single flat one. I highly recommend that you go to Sally Beauty Supply and pick up one of these!

Willow L.

For being 99 cents, these are awesome little eyeshadows. I've used a few colors but the Dark Green is by far my favorite. It's very vibrant, very easy to apply, I love it. I can't wait to go back to Sally's Beauty and get another pot.

Dallas Lynne S.

Again, a great buy (only 99 cents!). This works great for a shimmery look and it also look amazing with Sally Girl loose glitter in Silver Lining. This is a great buy for anyone looking for shimmery eyeshadows. Pretty much lasts all day without wearing off of rubbing off.