Seven Deadly Sins - Lust


This works for a different Queen of Hearts as well!

I'm starting a new series! If you haven't guessed, it's the Seven Deadly Sins. These aren't going to be your typical looks though. It's not going to be "Well... lust is sexy so I'm going to do sexy!" This one I did as "fiery" and "steamy". It's difficult to explain haha! Hopefully you understand it a little!

I also need your help! Have an idea for the next sins? Let me know! I'm stuck on Sloth at the moment. The others I have vague ideas for... but Sloth is a tricky one!

  • Added May 24, 2013

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Feb 6, 2014

Rebeca Red R.

This one is my favorite!!

Jun 17, 2013

Alma M.

Katie I really lovethis look :)