All over foils in hair- question.


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Apr 17, 2014

Miss M.

Does all over foils lighten you hair I'm a dark black (shade 5) and I want to go a light brown

The only thing is it has to be one colour and it needs to be done professionally because of school

And the hairdresser wouldn't do bleech she would only do foils my question is does it lighten my hair to the colour I want and is it one colour or does it give it a mix lot of colours

FYI- my hair hasn't been per entry died before I have only used washouts 💙💜💚💓

Ohh and the hairdresser is not pitting colour remover or bleech as my hair isn't healthy enough to do that but she did say she would do foils but I said no cause I thought that it wasn't going to turn out one colour was I correct

Thanks in advance

Apr 17, 2014

Miss M.

The colour I want is the golden brown 💙💜💚

Apr 17, 2014

Miss M.

^light golden brown

Apr 17, 2014

Cipri M.

Bleach is the best way to lighten hair, as damaging as it can be, try a lightening spray, it contains natural ingredients that lighten your hair gradually, you put it on in the morning, and it it lightened by the sun, it will take possibly over a month to get to a light brown, but it is wayyyy less damaging. Hope I helped!

Apr 17, 2014

Kelly V.

OK don't use a lightening spray. there's a hhuge chance your hair may turn orange. You may want to check out another salon or a different stylist. If you have only used wash out color in the past, then your stylist should be able to use color with out foils to lighten it. I don't understand this...if she isn't using color remover or bleach, then what is she using? Color? then there's no need for her to do foils. I would get a second opinion on this.

Apr 17, 2014

Kimberly H.

No do not use a lightening spray. Get a second opinion.

Apr 17, 2014

Bridgette G.

Maybe she meant she couldn't bleach your entire head but by putting foils, I'm assuming she means she is going to highlight your hair with bleach but not as drastic as every single strand.

Apr 17, 2014

Angela C.

If she lightens your hair in foils, it has to have a lightener/bleach or a strong enough peroxide to do the job, but more than likely she will have to do a color overlay anyways to achieve the color you she may be inexperienced or not explaining the process to you correctly.good luck!

Apr 17, 2014

Jessica H.

Foils are almost always used with bleach, depending on what colour semis you have had on there, color only may not work for lightening as color usually will only work on virgin hair. To lighten all over you would need bleaching, it can be done entirely with foils but will take a while and cost quite a bit.

Apr 17, 2014

Roz X.

Foils are used for bleaching or colorblocking. orly?