Is it okay to do this?


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Apr 16, 2014

Cece H.

Is it okay to wear makeup looks that aren't season appropriate such as a dark lip in summer?

Apr 16, 2014

Anissa J.

To me it is I always wear bold lip in summer I just don't care.

Apr 16, 2014

Martha esther R.

Why not? just use a summer outfit and the dark lips, it will look appropriate and cool, but if it isn't a summer outfit it will look like "out of place"

Apr 16, 2014

Bekah S.

Wear what you like girl :(

Apr 16, 2014

Bekah S.


Apr 16, 2014

Emily L.

It doesn't matter what you do for makeup.

Apr 16, 2014

Emily L.

I mean, there are no real rules for lip color.

Apr 16, 2014

Emily L.

Agree with Olivia S!

Apr 16, 2014

Kat A.

Wear what you want whenever you want to. I wasn't aware dark lips weren't appropriate lol.

Apr 16, 2014

Cassidy R.

Of course! Wear whatever, season doesn't matter :)

Apr 16, 2014

Cece H.

Thanks for the boost in confidence girlies I now feel more comfortable with this xx

Apr 16, 2014

Caitlin M.

I do. Sometimes in the middle of summer I'll just start longing for fall and wear fall colors on my nails or something. I don't really pay attention to trends. If I want to wear something I will lol. I usually do keep my makeup in line with the seasons just in terms of what I NEED though. Like if I'm going to the beach my routine is a lot different if I'm going to work or what I usually wear in winter. But as far as colors go I wear whatever I'm feeling at the moment. That's the beauty of makeup, there shouldn't be any rules :)