How Would You Achieve This Glossy Runway Look?


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Aug 21, 2014

Cydney E.

I've tried lip gloss but it didn't stay put. would vaseline be unsafe? any other suggestions? :)

Aug 21, 2014

Dorothea S.

I don't think vaseline would be unsafe, since its topical and can apply it to your face :) just be careful about not getting it in your eye.

Aug 21, 2014

Alyx T.

Jordan liberty just did a tutorial on this. None of the glossy effects last more than an hour.
It's just for photoshoots. He even says, the pro products that give the glossy effect, Vaseline, and lip gloss give the same effect but none of them last more than an hour.

Aug 21, 2014

Cydney E.

I will have to try one of those Jacqueline, thank you!

Thanks everyone! sad to know I'll have to spend half the night retouching if I want the look lol. but thanks for all the info. :)

Aug 21, 2014

Breeze T.

I was going to suggest lipgloss too. I think it's a good look for pictures but if you plan on going out you might go panda after 5 minutes.