Tooth paste for desperate spot treatment.


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Jul 30, 2014

Alyssa S.

I'm away on vacation soaking up the sun and got a lovely yet small red bump above my lip! I've left it be for a few days and it's gotten more icky... but still little!
What do you all think of my bright idea to put toothpaste on it overnight 🙈?!

Jul 30, 2014

Leona S.

Not unless you want a burn on your face NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.

Jul 30, 2014

Leslie N.

No no no no no. If you have nothing else I would just use neosporin

Jul 30, 2014

Kat A.

Nooo. toothpaste will do nothing, but irritate it. try steaming your face or putting a hot wash cloth on it.

Jul 30, 2014

Kitty K.

No, be nice to your skin :(
Warm compresses, aloe vera, spot treatments, neosporin after you pop it.

Jul 30, 2014

Marie A.

Try the burts bees on spot acne treatment.

Jul 30, 2014

Miha R.

Toothpaste works wonder if you have pimples - I always let it stay overnight n next morning it's half treated!

Jul 30, 2014

Miha R.

I'm not so sure what kinda red bump your talking about but for pimples it's Great!

Jul 30, 2014

Bree B.

Bwahahaha! Everyone's right, toothpaste is a "no-no"
I do it, ha ha, only because I so rarely get an actual zit that I have to contend with and when I do I want that sucker gone fast! It does work, but only if it's got a head to it.
Yours doesn't sound like it's at that stage anyway, and let's be better than my bad behavior! Do what these gals say, although I personally would have to skip the neosporin, I have an allergy to it.

Jul 30, 2014

Bree B.

Oh, Em has a good one! Lavender oil! That stuff heals EVERYTHING!

Jul 30, 2014

Kendra H.

As everyone screams no at you XD let me tell you that I have very sensitive and acne prone skin and I do use toothpaste occasionally. You really shouldn't but it can work on some people and if it's the only thing you have it say to go for it.

Aug 3, 2014

Becca B.

Toothpaste will only damage and dry out your skin.