Face Has Redness And Red Scars.


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Aug 2, 2014

Autumn W.

My skin has been breaking out like crazy for the past couple of weeks.. About 3 weeks.. and I have yet to get it under control.. and I'm thinking some of the problem is I've been washing a lot and trying to use aloe , lemon , honey , on top of my biore face wash that I was still using too. I was washing for more than like 5 times a day.. today it's been feeling very itchy..

red scars , redness , my skin doesn't look good..

& what's your Thoughts on proactive??

Aug 2, 2014

Autumn W.

I've only washed one time today ntw.

Aug 2, 2014

Autumn W.


Aug 2, 2014

Autumn W.

My skin is not sometimes it's dry sometimes it's oily

Aug 2, 2014

Autumn W.

The dove bar is the one that is labeled with moisturizing right!?

Aug 2, 2014

Ciciii C.

Dove isnt exactly good for the skin too much. It has a lot of harmful chemicals that you should look up , and it seems like you've been washing your skin too much on the face , making it red and itchy. Aloe/Honey is good together but do NOT keep adding Lemon to it. It will make your face dry than what is it. I don't know your skin type so I don't know what you should get. And proactive isnt that good either.

Aug 2, 2014

Autumn W.

thanks everyone!!