What should I do about my skin.


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Aug 1, 2014

Lena G.

I have acne and zits all around my eyebrows. I don't know what to do anymore. also I'm from europe, croatia. thanks.

Aug 1, 2014

Lena G.

What should I do.

Aug 1, 2014

Becky J.

What's your skincare routine like already? Just so people don't recommend things you're already trying. :)

I'm not sure what's available in Croatia but I personally like Clinique's Spot Clearing Gel or Lush's grease lightning in conjunction with their tea tree water toner.

Aside from that plenty of water and fruit are really good for keeping your skin clear and glowy too.

Aug 1, 2014

Breeze T.

I found this useful chart. Usually when pimples are located in a specific area you need to figure out why. Try drinking lots of water and eating more raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid alcohol for a bit, see if it gets better. A good exfoliating and toning routine might help too. Becky has said it all! Tea tree oil is a great spot treatment: it dries out your spots. I'm going to be in Croatia starting tomorrow, what a coincidence! There aren't many Croatians here on BL that I know of!!

Aug 1, 2014

Caitriona H.

I'd personally try to figure out if there might be any outside influence thats the reason you keep getting them in the same place like do you lean your hand there, touch there a lot, sleep on that side, change your pillow enough, miss that area when washing/ removing makeup, have hair on your face there, etc.etc. if there's no outside influence that might just be a problem area that you'll have to experiment with products to figure out for your skin. I'd talk to Kitty about figuring out the right products for your skin type but diluted tea tree oil as a spot treatment should work in the mean time.

Aug 1, 2014

Caitriona H.

I personally don't believe there's any correlation between diet and acne but drinking more water wouldn't hurt anyway.

Aug 1, 2014

Diana T.

Omg btw Croatia is beautiful! I was just in medulin a few months ago - loved it! Haha but I would try a tea tree oil spot treatment to clear it up.

Aug 1, 2014

Jaye R.

Breeze- can you link the chart? Or post a pic?

Aug 1, 2014

Breeze T.

Oh man I forgot to post it, I'm so sorry!!

Aug 2, 2014

Becca B.

MINOCYCLIN. It worked so well for me! It's a pill (sadly, you'll need a prescription), and it kills the acne bacteria. Seriously, after Proactiv and all these other harsh OTC products didn't work, I felt HORRIBLE. So my dad took me to a dermatologist and she prescribed me Minocyclin! Hope this helped! :)