Cold sore remedies?


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Oct 31, 2014

Lauren L.

If this is disgusting, I'm going to go ahead and apologize right now lol. I have never gotten a cold sore in my life, and just now my bottom lip got itchy so I started scratching at it and noticed A BUMP. Does anyone have any (preferably home) remedies to get rid of this thing asap?? I have plans this weekend...😁 thank you in advance!

Oct 31, 2014

Kathy K.

Well there is nothing that will be a quick fix but if you want a natural remedy try a supplement called lysine.. abreva works great to.

Oct 31, 2014

Lauren L.

Will do, thank you Kathy!!

Nov 1, 2014

Ali K.

Put perfume on it, it will sting a bit but helps dry it up, works for me when I can feel one coming on.

Nov 1, 2014

Alice A.

I've got cold sores since I was 3 best treatment lysine tablets lysine lip balm zorierax (only before it blisters after its useless) tea bags and ice usually cold sores take 5 to 14 days to heal even using remedies