When/if you have a daughter will you let her dye her hair young?


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Oct 19, 2014

Jenna L.

If you already have a daughter, or in the future if you have one will you let her dye her hair while she's young?
I'm talking both permeant and temporary dyes.
What age and what ideas are appropriate to you?

Oct 19, 2014

aida m.

If only she turn 15.

Oct 19, 2014

Tabbitha S.

No because I regret it cause my hair is so damaged and won't grow.

I would say she can dye her hair at least in 8th grade. My little sister wants to dye her hair but I say no because she has very long thick hair and dyeing is going to ruin it.

Oct 19, 2014

Erin M.

My mom let me put a color rinse in my hair in 8th and 9th grade, so it wasn't permanent at all, gave it a healthy shine, but appeared a different color in different light (I frequently used red, blue, and purple).

Oct 19, 2014

Ivette H.

I have a 7 year old daughter and will probably not let her die her hair until she's at least 17. I don't want her to start dying it young because then she will continue to want to do it and I don't want her hair to get damaged. Btw I am approaching 28 and have never dyed my hair. Maybe it's a family thing, my mom never let me when I was young for the same reasons (:

Oct 19, 2014

Erin L.

Not until she's at least 17 and then maybe a rinse or just highlights

Oct 19, 2014

Kendra H.

I'd say only starting in high school. My mum refused to let me dye my hair and now because of my job I can't do the fun and interesting things I wish I had been able to do. I think as long as she understands that damage can be done to the hair and takes proper care of her hair I don't see why she shouldn't be allowed to in high school. Obviously my mind might change when I do have a child in the future but from my experiences this is what I believe now.

Oct 19, 2014

Angel C.

I myself didn't dye my hair until I was in the 8th grade. My mom gave me the option, but I never wanted to. Then I got highlights, and though they were nice they were a pain to take care of and at that age spending the money to get them done was just a waste to me. I wanted to go out skating with my friends on the weekends rather than making the decision to put that money to my highlights. That being said, I've never really liked dying my hair to begin with. I don't like highlights that are chunky, and always go for things that are natural. I figure, I'll probably be the same way with my daughter. I say probably 15 or 17, and just start with a glaze or highlights (accent of course and nothing chunky). I'd make sure my child knows that you can do some serious damage to your hair if you don't take care of it, and if you dye it too much. I'm just not for dying your hair to begin with, but that's just me...I see that money going to other things like makeup or FOOD! LOL.

Oct 19, 2014

Kat A.

Probably not until she's in 7th or 8th grade. that's around when I started. I'll make sure to inform her about the damage & how important hair care is beforehand. as far as wash out colors that don't damage, like manic panic, I could care less. experimenting with hair is one of the funnest things to do in my opinion & you're not able to do that much when older due to jobs. so she can have fun with that while she's young. as long as she looks presentable for family pictures & things like that, I'll be pretty easy going with hair.

Oct 19, 2014

Brenda O.

Until she hits high school. Maaayyyybbeee 8th grade. Not any earlier.

Oct 19, 2014

katie s.

No. I've never dyed my hair & I just don't want my daughters hair to get damaged! Maybe a washout kind so she can experiment with color (if she wants) but until she's 16-17 she's not allowed to use real dye.

Oct 19, 2014

Kendall O.

I started coloring my hair at like 9. Of course it was just highlights and such, but in 8th grade I went platinum and then in high school I was allowed to do whatever I wanted to it. I think letting a kid express themselves is important. I was only allowed to do what the school I attended allowed, though, so no unnatural colors until high school, but I LOVED changing my hair a lot
And I ended up a hairstylist!

Oct 19, 2014

Lauren B.

My mum let me dye my hair when I was 12 because I had a chunk of blonde in my brown hair which I hated. If I have a daughter I think I'd let her as long as it was a natural looking colour, and it would have to be done professionally.

Oct 19, 2014

Cat C.

I was able to when I was a freshman in high school. I actually did it myself and then my mom didn't say anything lol but she allowed me to continue regularly. I took amazing care of my hair after that because it only gets messed up and damaged if you don't take of it.