Threading my eyebrows for the first time.


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Oct 21, 2014

Katheryn D.

Hey guys so pretty soon I'm going to get my eyebrows threaded for the first time. I really want to add more of an arch to my brows since they are pretty can I do that without making them too thin? What to I tell the lady that's doing them?

Oct 21, 2014

India C.

I'm sure the lady will be experienced and know what you want if you tell her exactly what's said in the description!:) good luck! But one thing I will say is if you're planning on walking around afterwards, give it a good hour or so because when I had mine done, the area around my eyebrows went really red! x

Oct 21, 2014

Katheryn D.

Thank you!!

Oct 21, 2014

India C.

You're welcome!