Sensitive Skin Help!


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Dec 15, 2014

Natasha B.

So my skin is super sensitive and when ever I shave I get a rash, I have tired various razors and shaving creams or shower gels and none it it works. I have also tried different clhair removal creams but they either burn or don't work. Can anyone tell me an effective and affordable way of hair removal?

Dec 15, 2014

Natasha B.


Dec 15, 2014

Hannah K.

First of all, I like to use men's razors because they're designed for use on the face which is of course the most sensitive skin on your body. This way, I have no razor bumps, no redness, no irritation.

Have you ever tried to use a shave oil? That may help if your skin is really so sensitive, it's smoother than shaving cream or soap, and prevents pulling or nicks form your razors.

Dec 15, 2014

Shauna S.

I get the same thing. I'm actually going to be investing in one of those at home laser hair removal machines, it's pricey but I think it's going to be worth it.

As for right now, I use a men's razor (gilette fusion). Always make sure to shave with a newer razor to avoid razor burn. Also it's good to soak in the bath before shaving because then it loosens the hair making it easier to remove. Also shaving with the grain of the hair will cause less irritation. I like using Aveeno Shaving Gel, I also sometimes just use my Pine Tar Soap over the area before shaving and I don't get a bad irritation. Directly after your shower remember to moisturize! I would always get itchy after shaving even after moisturizer but then I started using Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturizing Lotion with soothing oat essence and natural shea butter for extra dry skin. I rarely get itchy anymore, I love this stuff. Sometimes I will wait about 20 minutes and put coconut oil on to lock in the moisture. I hate hair removal creams I find they just burn. You may also want to consider waxing (get it professionally done). Lots of them have wax for sensitive skin and then you won't have to shave as often.

Dec 15, 2014

Natasha B.

Thanks girls that is really helpful! I will try a men's razor before jumping into waxing:)

Dec 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh I also use Aveeno's shave gel just like Shauna, it's awesome :) good luck to you, I hope it all works out.