Straight Hair Ladies Over To The Yard.


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Oct 27, 2014

alexus s.

So my hair is pin needle straight omg. its good for when I'm having a bad hair day and one piece of hair isn't straight.. I can just take my handy dandy mini straightener and fix it...

But my problem is that I want some curl to a perm but I just want the effect of a perm, not an actual perm.

I've used straighteners, blow dryer diffuser, hairspray, curler, overnight curls, their another way you girls do yours. that works..?

Oct 27, 2014

alexus s.

Like this hair..

and I also don't want it so crunchy...I want it soft nice curls...not like wring let curled either

Oct 27, 2014

Becky J.

Have you tried heated rollers? I find they give a nice long lasting curl.

Oct 27, 2014

Becky J.

For those kind of curls you'd want quite small rollers.

For me heated rollers were tricky to master but once I had the placement down it was great.

Oct 27, 2014

Leah H.

What kind of overnight curlers did you use?

Oct 27, 2014

Amber B.

a curling wand

Oct 27, 2014

Angela J.

YouTube tutorials on how to curl with your flat iron!:)

Oct 27, 2014

Kelly T.

Maybe your curling iron or straightener isnt good enough? cuz I bought like 4 different curling irons that were really cheap (they were like 20 bucks each) and they did not curl my hair at all! but then I bought a more expensive one for about 80 bucks and it works fine
I've heard good things about this company called Numi and they made a set where there's all these different wands and their all different shapes and sizes and you can do different curls with them
this is the set:

Oct 27, 2014

alexus s.

thanks ladies