Ughh accidentally popped 2 pimples.


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Dec 20, 2014

Sandy D.

They been on my face for around 3 days and as I was washing my face they popped T-T I was really irritated because I've been trying soooo hard not to mess with them...and I don't want any scars :( it wasn't bleeding btw...what can I do?? I don't have neosporin.

Dec 20, 2014

Gabby M.

Thats ok! Its totally normal for them to pop sometime. Just rinse them with really cold/freezing water to close up the pores, moisturize (if you want, but I'd really suggest it) and then I'd just leave it :)

Dec 20, 2014

Alex K.

Apply a honey and lemon face mask! Just mix some honey with a few teaspoons of lemon, apply to face for 30 mins and then wash off! Honey has antibacterial properties that help get rid of acne/spots and lemon is known for lightening scars :)