Help please!! My face.


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Nov 26, 2014

Alex H.

My skin is natruly healthy. But the skin around my nose is all dead. I have tried face wash and a scrubbing brush but they don't seem to work. I want to get it clean by thanksgiving because of the pictures. Everybody I have askef have the same answer: I don't know! Can you guys please help!!😊😀👃💄

Nov 26, 2014

Alex H.


Nov 26, 2014

Cailyn P.

If its dead skin it should have gone away. Have you used lotion? Maybe call a dermatologist.

Nov 26, 2014

Alex H.

Ok thnxs

Nov 26, 2014

Roz X.

Don't scrub dry skin. Instead, be gentle and try an exfoliant, followed by Aquaphor. Using cooler water and applying Jojoba is also helpful. If your skin sees no improvement, I'd see a derm.

Nov 26, 2014

Kaitlin W.

I agree with Rozberry because if you are harsh on your skin it can get irritated and red maybe try to mosturise your skin with Vasline/petroleum jelly over night then in the morning wash it off with a face cloth I hope this will help 😘

Nov 26, 2014

Lissa W.

Whenever I have a dry face I like to put coconut oil. You definitely don't want to keep scrubbing at it because it will make it more irritated. But petroleum jelly and oil I suggest. And if you want to really pamper yourself, try a moisturizing homemade mask. There's a lot of ideas on Pinterest. :)

Nov 26, 2014

Shayanna T.

^ coconut oil does justice and so does petroleum jelly...