How to lighten hair naturally.


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Nov 23, 2014

Desiree B.

Do any of you know how to lighten hair naturally? I really want to change my hair color but I don't want to use chemicals. Please help.

Nov 23, 2014

Rissa G.

There's really not a way. and all the diys (lemon, peroxide) are way too drying and are probably worse than actually bleaching your hair (if you do it right anyways)

Nov 23, 2014

Shanae J.

She's 100% right.

Nov 23, 2014

Sav L.

Doll, I've been seeing a few posts about you wanting to lighten your skin and lighten your hair.. please know you are beautiful the way you are, don't try to change yourself. you seem young and right now you should just let nature take its course and let things lighten or darken as your body deems fit(:

Nov 24, 2014

Ran M.

I know head and shoulders shampoo can help strip out dark hair colour if that helps :) xx