I need a makeup routine fast!


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Aug 31, 2014

Bethany M.

Ladies one thing most of us need is a makeup routine but I don't have please help me out have you got any good idea of a good makeup routine,keeping in mind that I have sensitive skin.

Beth xx💋💋

Aug 31, 2014

Suzy M.

Primer, foundation, concealer, mascara, lipstick

Aug 31, 2014

Lindsay H.

Since your new to makeup I suggest starting out with concealer just for blemishes and maybe for under eye circles if you have any some powder to set the concealer maybe some blush and mascara and a lip gloss or a tinted lipbalm. when your starting out you don't need to much makeup and it's best to start out small and work your way up :)

Aug 31, 2014

Bethany M.

Thank you so much lindsay I took your advice and I love how I look.