Looking For...??A YouTube Buddy.


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Aug 27, 2014

Emily T.

Okay so I'm looking for someone to join up with on YouTube...boost each other up a little so if you know or would like to join up and talk send me a message on youtube. thanks a bunch xo.

Aug 27, 2014

Shannon B.

I'm not understanding.

Aug 27, 2014

Hannah K.

You do realise that not everyone is based where you are...

Aug 27, 2014

Emily T.

Yes I realize that but it is possible through email

Aug 31, 2014

Eve K.

Heyy, I want to start on YouTube and do have a new blog as a start. I could do with a buddy :) my blog is www.eveantoinettebeauty.co.uk you can email or follow me on social media through that xx