Oh I hate acne.😠


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Aug 26, 2014

Sarah L.

Okay so basically my t-zone is pretty oily but I barely get acne in that area and when I do there's no scars left behind. however my cheeks are not oily nor would I really say they're dry.. maybe they are tho what characterizes dry skin? anywho my cheeks are full of acne scars and I always ALWAYS get pimples around that area. haha what is wrong with my face and how can I prevent acne?😠 why can't I have perfect skin.

Aug 26, 2014

Lauren E.

I have this too:( and I would just try and get into a skin routine, find out what works for you and stick to it, I really feel for you honey but trust me it'll get better<3.

Aug 26, 2014

Sarah L.

Pic of the face😖

Aug 26, 2014

Lauren E.

This is pretty much the same as mine, although I don't have the confidence to show mine, your a beautiful girl and these problems shouldn't make you feel down or whatever, but if drugstore products don't work then you could go to the doctors for something stronger maybe?<3.

Aug 26, 2014

Ame S.

Acne is caused by various reasons, hormones, stress or just plain neglect of skin routine, tonnes of comedogenic products add fuel to the fire. I have been struggling myself, even after being on Accutane I am not entirely clear. I think anyone with acne should ask themselves a few questions:
1. Am I keeping surfaces that come in contact with my face clean? For example pillow cases, cell phone screens, hands etc.
2. Do I understand the importance of non comedogenic ingredients in products?
3. Do I stress a lot? Do I eat unhealthy often? If yes, what measures am I taking for stress management and body toxins?
4. Is the acne because of hormones? Have I tested for PCOD?

Aug 26, 2014

Sarah L.

@lauren aww haha thanks:) even thought I frickin hate acne its something mostly everyone has so there's no point of hiding it yanno? I wear bb cream to make my face look more even and to hide some scars when I go out but thats about ir.

Aug 26, 2014

Sarah L.

Thanks ame for those pointers :)

Aug 26, 2014

Lauren E.

Definitely! embrace it and don't feel the need to hide it if you don't want to!<3.

Aug 26, 2014

Shannon B.

See a dermatologist. We can't guess what I causing it. A dermatologist will be able to tell you exactly how to fix it.

Aug 26, 2014

Emma S.

Witch hazel!!