Is This Safe To Use In Mybdry Acne Prone Skin?


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Sep 23, 2014

Bailee d.

My skin is acne prone but dry and flaky,can I use this moisturizer on my face ,are these ingredients non comedogenic?

Sep 23, 2014

Hannah K.

It contains alcohol, which is very drying and not good on acne or dry skin.

Sep 23, 2014

Ileene M.

Is this a body lotion?

Sep 23, 2014

Ileene M.

I wouldn't anyway it's expired=/

Sep 23, 2014

Ashley F.

It contains cetyl alcohol which is actually an emollient and is an ingredient to prevent separation of other ingredients. This is not a drying type of alcohol. There are lots of different alcohols and not all of them are bad for your skin.

Sep 23, 2014

Ileene M.

Nvrmine I read it wrong.

Sep 23, 2014

Ashley F.

Other than that though, I have no idea, if its body lotion I wouldn't use it on my face, and I agree with Iline, if that is the expiration date I definitely wouldn't use it :(

Sep 23, 2014

Ashley F.

Is it the manufacturing date? Idk

Sep 23, 2014

Bailee d.

Thanks ,yes it is the manufacturing date

Sep 23, 2014

Hannah K.

Ashley, I was reading the 'phenoxyethanol' bit:)

Sep 23, 2014

Emily W.

The phenoxyethanol is a preservative, and is so far down on the ingredients list that it wouldn't cause any drying.

If your skin is extremely dry and flaky, you can use certain body moisturizers on the skin. I don't see any ingredients that jump out as immediately comedogenic, but everyone reacts differently. Perhaps try a little on a dry patch and see how it does before using it all over your face.

Sep 23, 2014

Traci L.

I don't see anything harmful in here , however I don't recommend using body lotion on your face , facial moisturizers are formulated for sensitive facial skin and the thin skin of the eye area, body skin is much tougher and can tolerate more irritating ingredients, and acne prone skin is already comprised but if you have used it with no problems then it's fine I just recommend getting a facial moisturizer if this isn't working

Sep 23, 2014

Kendra H.

No ingredients jump out at me for irritants... I'd be warry of using body lotion on your face; just do a test spot first to see how you react.

Sep 23, 2014

Bailee d.

Thanks so much Miss Traci L and Kendra :-)