What do you think about my hair.


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Sep 21, 2014

M G.

I believe ombre would fade into your hair color. Like it would have to be blonde, dark blonde, light brown, brown and eventually fade into hair color witch looks dark brown. This looks more like it went from brown to blonde.

Sep 21, 2014

M G.

If you dye it back wait a couple of days to prevent to much brakage.

Sep 21, 2014

Shannon B.

You got that done at a salon or did you do it yourself?

Sep 21, 2014

Shannon B.

But I would say wait for a week or two then day it brown
Or just get it cut off. It wouldn't be a bad length if cut

Sep 21, 2014

Grace K.

If you got it done at a salon go back and have them fix it. Tell them you're unhappy with how it came out and they should fix it for you!!

Sep 21, 2014

Shannon B.

On wow
That's not ombré. The salon messed up there. It's more of a dip dye

Sep 21, 2014

Shannon B.

I agree with these girls with getting the money back and convincing her
But I know you probably don't want to get her too made
If you can convince her I would just cut my own hair honestly to get rid of the blonde

Sep 21, 2014

Shannon B.

Get her too mad, not made.

Sep 21, 2014

Shannon B.

I agree with Alexis^

Sep 21, 2014

Kathleen M.

That is not ombre. If I were you I would have been very upset. But if you are thinking of dying it I would for sure wait a little while before doing it.

Sep 21, 2014

W J.

Maria , why won't your mom let you?? This is ridiculous!! Totally unacceptable for the salon to do this to your hair, if this happened to me I would have made them fix it for me on the spot and I would have refused to pay them. They're hair dressers, their one and only job is to do your hair properly

Sep 21, 2014

W J.

Since they clearly can't colour hair, I would make them cut off that section of blonde hair. I think you'd look great with shorter hair :)

Sep 21, 2014

Kat O.

Well, I had long hair for my whole life, it was as long as yours. And I never thought about cutting it. But I cut off 6 inches last month, and I am in love with my "short" hair now :)

Sep 21, 2014

Louise U.

This is ombré

Sep 21, 2014

Buttercup x.

As everyone else said, I'd complain to the hair dresser - and then never go back there.
Also cutting your hair off (as much as you don't wanna hear it) is the best way to go. Look at the plus side: it might be short but at least it's healthy.
I discussed returnin I my natural hair colour with my hair stylist since I have highlights and he said they'd have to mix a lot of colours and even then they couldn't dye it my natural hair colour straight away but had to ease into it or something (it was way early in the morning I was a bit tired so I didn't quite focus there)
Maybe ask your mum whether he could just drop you off at another salon and you can give her a ring to pick you up when you're done if time is the issue. That's what I had my mum do back in the day when I wasn't able to drive

Sep 21, 2014

M G.

If you dnt wna cut just ask em to dye bck to your hair color you previsouly had.

Sep 22, 2014

Kendra H.

I don't know a lot about dye so I didn't comment earlier but I've been following the whole thread. I think the new cut looks fantastic on you! Do not worry your hair will eventually grow back. Your young; even if it take a a year or two to get back to where it was; that's not really a big amount of time. Try having fun with the shorter style right now! In all honesty it really isn't that short and there are tons of really cute hairstyles you'll be able to do! Keep your head up girl! :)