Help!! My hair extensions turned out RED.


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Mar 2, 2014

Lauren S.

I'm trying to lighten my hair extensions with 40 vol developer. It turned my hair red! and it's still too dark! How can I get rid of the red color and lighten it? My hair is about a number 2.

Mar 2, 2014

Symone B.

I've done this before, a couple times. I got my hair from jet black to light brown with no problem. My hair extensions was virgin (never been processed before) though. By the looks of this hair and the way it's's processed hair and it's over processed now. If the hair was in a good state I would say process more and tone with a green toner to eliminate the red. But that hair doesn't look like it can take it.

If I were you, I would dye it back darker and add a clear gloss to it, to restore the shine

Mar 2, 2014

Lauren S.

I'll try that. The hair wasn't processed though, I bought virgin hair. I purchased from yummy extensions... I have lightened my other bundles and those took fine but this one was a mess

I've seen other people do things with hair from this company and they never had any issues. (of course I would)

I'm not a hair person lol, I should have gotten someone to do this for me

Mar 3, 2014

Symone B.

Yeah, that one bundle must be a bad batch then

Mar 3, 2014

Lauren S.

Maybe so..I'm never coloring/lightening hair again. I'll send it you since you know what you're doing lol You can charge me haha.

Mar 3, 2014

Symone B.

Lol! You have to keep trying boo! I'm no colorist, though I did attend a pro class today 😊. But learning has to be the hard way. Trial and error.

Mar 4, 2014

Audra B.

Dark hair has red undertones in it naturally so when you bleach it, you have to do multiple processes. try using bleach with no more then a 30 volume develpoer and you may have to do this twice to get past the red stage. you can then tone it with an ash shade using 10 volume developer to get rid of any leftover brassiness. if you don't want to bleach it again, try a semi shade with a 10 dev. in a shade one level lighter then you are going for to cover the red. make sure its an ash shade tho.