The 'Big Chop'


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Jun 15, 2012

Morgan B.

I had longish hair that was just damaged. On a whim, as soon as school ended, i took sone scissors and began cutting away. I didnt cut all of the processed hair off, but i can proudly say a year later that my hair is still quite short and all natural. I decided to just do it myself, so i had total control of my cut. I was only slightly fearful of how others would react, but the feedback even now is fantastic.

Jun 15, 2012

YaKita M.

I've been natural for about 5 years and love it wouldn't have it any other way. 

So it's finally happening. I finally decided to go natural. It's been almost 4 months since I got a perm being that I have a 10 month old whom I stayed at home with since day one and I dont have much time to go get a perm but also decided that its about time for a change and I am done putting harsh chemicals in my hair. I plan on getting it done on Friday and I would like to know how your 'Big Chop' experience was like. Were you afraid? How did you overcome your fear? And were the stylist very helpful and supportive with your first experience?