Best Treatment For Acne Scars?


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Aug 30, 2012

Ashley F.

Growing up I had horrible acne and now I'm left with all the scaring. I'm considering fractional laser treatments but im apprehensive due to the price per treatment. Has anyone tried this or have a better suggestion?

Are these scars cystic? atrophic (pock marked)? Hyperpigmentation? Depending on the type of scar the approach to treating it will be different. If you haven't tried these things, I say do so before going for laser treatments. The number one thing to use is sunscreen. The sun is going to darken hyperpigmented scars and slow the healing process. 2.) Don't touch your face! No picking, no squeezing! 3.) Vitamin E is not going to help, so don't use it. What helped for me is applying fading cream to the dark marks. Cortisone creams help with any inflammation and redness that cystic acne sufferers have. If you have pock marked acne scars, laser resurfacing or fillers may be your best bet.