Wanting to make videos.


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May 18, 2012

Bec S.

Many laptops now have built-in cameras. If yours has one, start there. The important thing is to make sure there is enough light on your face (you need to have a lot of light!) Move a couple lamps over to your setup so you have light on both sides of your face. If you find that you like making videos, keep going with it and make more! Making great videos is all about practice. Don't get discouraged. If you really like it, then upgrade to a setup with a camera and tripod. It gets a little trickier because then you have to get the footage from the camera into the computer. It's not tough, just another step.

Can't wait to see what you post!

I use my Macbook for my Videos! I have to work twice as hard to get the lighting to look right, but its worth it and I don't have to spend tons of money on an expensive HD camera (yet). I just started doing videos a few weeks ago and love it! It's addicting. Haha!

May 24, 2012

Fancie B.

I'm starting a channel as well and these are some really nice tips! I had been holding off on starting because I wanted a better camera but the camera I have now totally isn't bad. I'm going to have to pick up some brighter bulbs to improve the lighting I see. 

May 25, 2012

Bec S.

Lights are definitely key! The same is true for photos. There are many things that go into a great photo or video, but good lighting (and enough of it) are essential to quality images.

May 25, 2012

Zoe C.

Get some good lighting, and go for it! You'll never know if you don't try, and if you love making the videos then that's all that matters :)

I use my iphone 4s & splice as an editior. Quick easy & love it