Birth Control Help!


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Jan 14, 2013

Riley B.

How old were you when you started the pill? I'm only 14 and not active in that kind of way, but I heard it controls acne and can make your period a bit milder?

Jan 15, 2013

Payton K.

I also heard that. I'm 14 too and not active either but i heard it can make you gain and/or lose weight so i'm too scared (:

Jan 15, 2013

Erin W.

If youre not sexually active than why waste your money and having to take it every day is a pain in the ass. Not all birth control helps with acne. Ive actually taken pills that made my acne worse. Its a hit or miss because your dealing with your hormones. And u dont want to mess with your hormones like that at such a young age. Just get some good skin care products and have a good cleaning regimen and take some midol for your period and u should be good to go:) lol  

I've been on birth control since I was 17 (I'm 21) now and it was not a waste of money.... and I've never kissed a person, let alone had sex. I went on birth control because of my period. All the cramps, nausea, and all of that wasn't worth dealing with the period the "natural" way. ... especially when I didn't choose to have a period, thank you, body!!! *shaking fist*

Not all birth control you have to take everyday because not all birth control is the pill type. There is a patch, IUD, shot (... although I've heard terrible things about that one!).. it's best to take it up with your doctor and see which one would be good enough for you.

I wish Midol would've helped with my cramps/nausea/etc., but nope. If your period is more than just a period, you're probably going to need something else.

HOWEVER, if you main problem -is- acne, then I would use birth control as a last resort and stick with a skincare routine. But if your issue is much more than that, and you're having period problems that a simple Midol/Aleve/Ibuprofen won't fix, then I'm all for the BC.

(Also, this has nothing to do with introducing/promoting yourself... this should go into General. :x)

PS: Thanks for reminding me to take today's pill. ;) Hahaha.