Overbites and insecurities...help?


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Jan 11, 2013

Hannah K.

Sooo my family has a history of horrid-looking teeth. I only have two sisters and both needed braces. I'm really not vain about appearance. It was only this last year i started to wear makeup, do my hair etc. -Basically starting to care a little bit more. I'll probably be starting college this coming fall and my issue now is my teeth. I have overbites and i hatee them. My family doesn't have the money for braces since insurance doesn't cover a lot of the cost. Soo i was wondering if anyone knew a cheaper alternative to fix this? Some small procedure or something? I thought i remembered hearing about this retainer-like thing you put in your mouth that are like braces but clear so it doesn't look like it? i dunno if that really exists or if it's even cheaper though : o i'm pretty much okay with how i look but this affects me a lot. i never smile with an open-mouth and i'd really love to. If anyone knows annnything, thanks in advance!

Jan 11, 2013

Jessa H.

I have an 110% overbite. Yes that is possible, and my teeth make my gums bleed. But heey lol, if you don't have the money for braces I would see about a the retainer thing you were talking about. But I would really recommend focusing All your energy onto something on your face that you love, say your hair or eyes. Then make that one thing super stunning! Trust me it is just a huge confidence booster and will make you feel better about anything else. Hope this helps

Jan 11, 2013

Hannah K.

110%? what does that mean :o and i definnitely have to have a consultation with a dentist but sometimes they suggest the highest-priced options to make more money so i asked to know about others' experiences before i do. anddd that's great advice! sadly all my features are..ehhh. haha

Jan 11, 2013

Alisa D.

I call shenanigans! you have beautiful skin and great eyes! play those up girl! and you have a great length hair you can do whatever you want with! Beauty rule number 1 : Never say anything unkind about yourself! Always talk good about yourself. ;D

Jan 11, 2013

Hannah K.

haha well thank you (: truthfully my hair is sooo rebellious! it's a decent length but it's crazy curly. i have to brush it foreeeeverr so my hair won't be like 10 inches above my head at all times (; i just think for me is that i see one flaw and it dominates all the good to the point where i don't realize it anymore. i'll try to look harder though. thank you (:

Jan 11, 2013

Loren B.

Your teeth are white which is good. Floss to keep gums from bleeding. I think you need actual braces since your teeth are not in a straight line so the overbite is not the only issue. Most orthodontists have a free consultation. 

Jan 12, 2013

Hannah K.

i think i could even live without them being straight. but yes, it be nice to get it all fixed (: