Dumpster diving at makeup stores?


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May 27, 2015

Emily W.

I'm going to explain this from the business perspective, since I am finishing my BS in Business this month and I work security/management in retail.

Most malls and shopping centers in the US are zoned so that they are private property, including the dumpsters, parking lots, and even sidewalks until they reach a main street. Under tort law known as merchants privilege, the store can detain suspected shoplifters for a reasonable time and wait for the authorities if they choose to press charges. This includes dumpster divers. So while a lot of places might wave you off, don't be surprised if you find yourself in an office waiting for the cops to come arrest you if you partake in this.

Dumpster diving is a liability for stores for many reasons:
- If someone gets injured climbing into the dumpster, the store may be liable even if the person was attempting to look for goods to steal
- If the person catches some disease and then passes it to others after dumpster diving, the store may be found liable for not only the diver but all of the affected. If someone dies?... Lawsuits abounds.
- Similarly, if someone steals product that is contaminated and gets sick/injured, the company may be found liable. If they sell it, see above.
- When someone sells or gives away a contaminated product and someone gets ill, without knowing the real reason (the unscrupulous criminal pulled the product out of the garbage) it hurts the brand. Multiple liability issues? Bad PR. Bad PR? Less sales, people lose jobs, etc.

I can go on and on. It is bad news for the consumer, for employees, and for the overall economy. As a store protection specialist at a retail store, I've detained both shoplifters and dumpster divers until the cops could come and arrest them. A lot of times these people aren't just hobos who can't afford things or people looking to save a buck, they are organized criminals stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise from multiple stores.

May 27, 2015

Emily W.

Oh drat, the second part of that comment got cut off somehow. I'm running late for something at the moment, but I'll try to type it up again later if it is still relatively relevant.

Thank you Emily! Crazy how people think they are above the law these days