Dyeing my hair red?


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Dec 30, 2012

Sami N.

Do you guys think it would look good on me? I was thinking a sort of bright red, like Scarlett Johanssen in the Avengers.

Dec 30, 2012

Carlita F.

Red hair deff looks good with people like light green eyes cuz im guessing thats yur eye color sure go for it would look good but you should consider the maintance. Red is a high maintance color, if you take time to care and treat your hair then this shouldnt be a problem. Red will wash out for awhile you might find yurself staining towels or pillows. Red also does lose its vibrancy much faster you wud have to refreshen it more often or use a red shampoo to help keep the vibrancy of the color

Dec 30, 2012

Alyssa A.

If you do when you wash your hair with color protection shampoo it comes out quickly you will need to get a run up every 4 weeks just to let you know :)

Dec 30, 2012

Z M.

Very very difficult to maintain red hair..think about that before you go red

Dec 30, 2012

Sarah G.

i think that it would suit you with green eyes:-)

Dec 31, 2012

Samantha E.

I think red would look great on you. I have a separate conditioner mixed with some temporary red that helps me keep the vibrancy :)