How to use beauty blender.


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Feb 27, 2015

Olivia G.

I've had mine for a while but mostly stick to a stipple brush when applying foundation. Would love to hear how you use your blender because I've heard how some people dampen it and am confused how that works, thank you!

Feb 27, 2015

Kailey L.

Definitely use it damp! I get mine totally wet, til it grows to about twice its size, then squeeze most of the water out. You want to do this so that the product sits on top of the sponge and isn't absorbed into it.

Feb 27, 2015

Shaye M.

I don't use the beauty blender because I haven't found it anywhere easily accessible, however I do use the real techniques miracle complexion sponge and I dampen mine before every use, makes the sponge very bouncy and soft.

Feb 27, 2015

Rasheeda M.

The beauty blender is truly a holy grail product for me! It gives such a nice naturally finish while still giving a flawless face. I find myself using this under my eyes with kevyn aucoin sensual enhancer ( which I highly recommend as well ) & girl I must say it is perfect!

Feb 27, 2015

Alyssa B.

I dampen mine so it doesn't absorb too much product. Some people use it dry and find that it works just as well, it's really personal preference(;

Feb 27, 2015

Adahli M.

Yea you should use it damp and just pat it on your face till you get the desired coverage(:

Feb 27, 2015

Lara C.

I out mine either in a cup or under running water. Then I squeeze it till there no more water coming out of it. What I like to do is squeeze it once more but in a towel just because you don't want it wet, just damp. I love my bb, I can't get myself to use brushes anymore.

Feb 27, 2015

Lara C.
