Dry Skin Help


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Dec 30, 2012

Josh n steph A.

does anyone know how to i guess fix dry skin my face is always dry and i always moisturize. but it doesnt seem to work and my foundation also shows my dry spots which are mainly on the T of the face. help?!

Dec 30, 2012

Kelly G.

My first tip, put down the foaming cleanser and walk away. When you have dry skin, foam is not your friend. Switch to a cream cleanser, or try oil cleansing. I switched to oil in Nov and its made a huge difference.
I did a blog post on tips and products I use to survive the winter and keep my skin intact. Hope something helps! 

Dec 30, 2012

Marie-Claire M.

I agree with Kelly G. If your skin feels dry and scaly almost like a crocodile, you might want to try a moisturizer with Biolipids like La Roche Posay's Nutritic. Also, if you aren't already exfoliating with either a scrub or an acid once a week, this might be something you want to try. Benefit make a great scrub which actually has glycolic acid as an ingredient! And moisturize the hell out of your skin.

Dec 30, 2012

P A.

I had the same problem so I got rid of my foam face wash and switched to the Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. It's amazing and has made a drastic difference. I use the angels on bare skin face wash from lush. I love my skin now these products worked really well for me! Hope this helped!