Is my hairline bad...


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Mar 5, 2015

Miranda D.

I'm a teenager, I think braids are breaking my hair off. Here is my hairline Is it bad? Or starting to recede.

Mar 5, 2015

Miranda D.

The first photo is from months ago, this one is from now, my scalp may look greasy bc I put product on it, sorry.

Mar 5, 2015

Shelley W.

Yes, if they are too tight and you see a receding line you can face permanent hair loss. I highly advise taking the brides out. Once you take then out you should see some regrowth but its not going to happen overnight.

Mar 5, 2015

Rissa G.

Shelley is correct, if your hair is being pulled back tightly and constantly, you begin to lose hair at the hairline which can be permanent since it damages those hair follicles forever