Really gross nails 😭


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Jan 28, 2015

Alexis J.

As you can tell from the picture my nails are really gross I used to wear fake nail and my nails got really thin and broke and I stopped useing them and stopes painting my nails for a bit and my nails went back to being normal but it's been like 4 mouths and there still like that and the white part at the end is really high up all my fingernail 😭😭 do you guys now anyway to get them to not do that or somxething...

Jan 28, 2015

Alexis J.


Jan 28, 2015

Katie A.

I would see a professional...

Jan 28, 2015

katie s.

I agree with katie. none of us on here are professionals. that's something you'd want to take to a doctor or someone who knows exactly what is wrong.

Jan 28, 2015

Alexis J.

Ok thanks 😁😊