Is Mac Fix+ worth it?


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Aug 2, 2015

Olivia L.

I've heard a lot of great things about Mac Fix+ and that it can be used in many different ways, and I'm really interested in it! What do you guys think about it? Do you like it? What do you use it for? Are there any dupes I could look into? Have you heard of the Evian moisture spray? How do they compare? Thanks, sorry I know that's a lot of questions but any feedback would be appreciated!
***moderators, sorry I wasn't sure where to put this, makeup or skincare, so I chose makeup, sorry if that's not where this thread should be!

Aug 2, 2015

Cady V.

I think it is definitely worth it! I'm obsessed with it. I sometimes use it before I apply my foundation & sometimes after I'm finished my makeup to give my face a really dewy, natural finish. I also spray it on my eyeshadow brushes if I'm working with glittery or pigmented shadows to avoid fallout & make sure they're pigmented. I know that there are more uses for it but tbh I'm not that familiar with them as I'm somewhat new to fix plus 😂 I'm also not familiar with the evian moisture spray, sorry!

Aug 2, 2015

Sarah N.

I love fix plus and I definitely think it's worth it! I use it as a refresher spray after applying my makeup and it helps get rid of any powdery look. I spray it on my brush when using pigments, glitter or certain shadows to intensify them. I have a few of the Evian sprays and usually keep those in my purse to just refresh and cool my face and I keep my fix plus on my vanity to use before and after makeup application. I prefer the way the fix plus makes my face makeup looks after applying over the Evian spray. I also use fix plus on my brush when using a highlighter to give a nice glow and get rid of the powdery look

Aug 2, 2015

Olivia L.

Thank you girls so much!

Aug 3, 2015

katie s.

One of the moderators here on beautylish has a DIY dupe for the Mac Fix+. It's made with pretty much the same ingredients and works the same. Plus, it's cheaper. I'd definitely try looking for it! It might've been Kitty, but I don't know for sure.. It's been a while since I've looked at it, but I thought I'd tell you in case you were interested (;

Aug 3, 2015

Olivia L.

Thanks so much Katelyn, I'll definitely look into it!

Aug 3, 2015

Beauty G.

Yes I think it!

Aug 3, 2015

Olivia L.

Thanks Beauty!

Aug 3, 2015

Alyx T.

I've never used fix+. But I have used the Evian spray, and I think they are two different things. The Evian spray can be applied over makeup but it's like a light water mist, so it would make my makeup, not cakey but it would make it kinda slippery if that makes sense, not in a good way lol. But fix+ is a refresher spray as I understand it. The Evian spray I loved, especially for like plain rides. But I wouldn't buy it again, I could buy an Evian water and a mister and use that for cheaper lol. The only thing I like about fix+ is that it can make eyeshadow into liners easily, but more products have done similar things so it's not necessary for me.
But fix+ can easily be duped. Kitty k has one on her blog :)

Aug 3, 2015

Alyx T.

I meant to say I'm not big on refresher sprays since I usually don't wear my makeup for more than 5 hours at a time, so it doesn't need refreshing. But if that's something you like, then try it out. I believe they sell small ones too.

Aug 3, 2015

Olivia L.

Thank you so much Alyx!