My first sunburn


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Jul 6, 2015

Emily M.

I asked you guys yesterday how to relieve my sunburn pain. Now I must ask, I am a wild child. I'm always outdoors and now I'm scared that with an actual sunburn (which I don't know how I got one for the first time at 17) how do I go out in the sun again without hurting more?

Jul 6, 2015

Kaleigh D.

If you go outside and it hurts more, it must be bad. Keep applying unscented, gentle lotions and aloe. Make sure you apply sunscreen especially over the sunburned area to prevent further damage

Jul 6, 2015

katie s.

Apply sunscreen to prevent it from burning more.

Jul 6, 2015

Ashley D.

Apply sunblock, and make sure you cover up and take care of your current burn.

Jul 6, 2015

Kailey L.

Apply sunblock every 2 hours! And as uncomfortable as it may be in the summer, if you need to be outside, wear loose fitting clothes that cover all your burned areas until it's healed. Or use an umbrella. You may get some funny looks, but your skin will thank you.

Jul 6, 2015

Emily M.

So do y'all think I'm safe to spend time in the sun? I haven't yet, because I've been scared.

Jul 6, 2015

Kailey L.

As long as you take some precautions you'll be fine. Just try not to be in the sun TOO long and you'll be okay. Just listen to your body. If your skin starts to feel tight and hot, get inside and apply some aloe. Ibuprofen also helps with inflammation and pain relief (make sure you use as directed, and don't substitute for aspirin or acetaminophen - these are not anti-inflammatories).

Jul 7, 2015

Emily M.

Thanks so much Kailey.