
Eye Shadow Pan

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Victoria S.
One of my all-time favorites
Photo of product included with review by Victoria S.

I just keep going back to this eyeshadow. It's hard to find that perfect base that has the right tone warm and cool, the right balance of shimmer, and the right pigment. Stila Starlight most definitely fits all of that criteria. Starlight is a brighter version of my skin, a fair beige that seems to melt on my skintone and make it glow. It's the ultimate eye shadow wash, and can be worn with virtually ANY color. I like that it doesn't have the frost of say, Stila Kitten, but it's not completely matte either. The proper balance of shimmer is essential when looking for an everyday shadow with some oomph to it. In the photo, I am wearing it with a taupe and sapphire colored eyeliner. See how the shadow just glows? It's amazing stuff. With so many neutral wash shades on the market, I keep coming back to this because it's one of the best.

***Please see my review on Barefoot Contessa for a general overview of Stila Eye Shadows