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Jan 3, 2015

Mari F.

Yeah I get you. No bad feelings here (: Thank you and a Happy New Year to you too!!

Dec 31, 2014

Mari F.

Well that's what I thought. I've got issues just like everyone else but felt your comment was unnecessary. There's no need to try to make someone feel crappy. I like the pic because it's me and my style. If you don't think it's cute that's fine but no need to be rude. I was offended and shouldn't have lashed back you are pretty.

Dec 25, 2014

Mari F.

Don't comment on my pic if you don't get it. I just became aware that profile pics go through the feed for everyone to see, otherwise I would have picked something else. But now I don't care. Same to you by the way ;) kaythanksbye.

Christina P.

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