How to Ask for the Perfect Haircut


Getting dream-worthy hair isn’t a lucky guess—it’s knowing what you want, what you like, and how to ask for it. While it’s best to shop around (ask friends where they get their hair cut, even ask a stranger on the street if you like his or her locks!), knowing how to communicate with your hairdresser can be tough. We spoke with hair maestro and owner of Cutler salons Rodney Cutler (he of the Emma Watson pixie cut fame and my personal hair guru) for some tips on how to ask for the right haircut and ensure you get exactly what you want.

1. Keep it simple.

“Don’t try and speak to your hairdresser in technical terms,” says Rodney. “Unless you’re a hairdresser yourself you probably won’t know exactly what they mean, so when your hairdresser gives you what you asked for, you’ll be disappointed.” Instead, use descriptive language. “Tell us how you’d like your hair to look. Do you want it long and flowing, sexy, relaxed, beachy—those words will help us think about a cut that suits you which we can then discuss.”

2. Always take pictures.

“Do your research and come in with pictures of how you’d like your hair to look,” advises Rodney. “Nothing is better than visual representation, and a photo ensures you and your stylist are on the same page.”

3. Forget about face shape.

“Don’t ask for a cut based on your face shape,” says Rodney. “Explain to the stylist how you want your hair to look, what you like about your tresses, and how you can see yourself looking. We will take all of that and your face shape into consideration before cutting.”

4. Don't be afraid!

If you have a question or you’re worried about something, speak up! The only way to get what you want is to ask for it. “Communication is key,” explains Rodney. “You and your stylist need to be on the same page.” And if you’re not happy with it at the end, say something!